What is a cleared job and how do I get one?
How do I find out if a career that requires a security clearance is for me?
What is a security clearance and which jobs need one?
Can I transition to a job that requires a security clearance?
What are the types of security clearances and which one do I need?
Do only cybersecurity jobs need a security clearance?
What jobs need a security clearance?
Is security clearance only need for government jobs?
Are there any constraints on the use of social media if I am applying for a security clearance?
Kathleen Smith will share why cybersecurity professionals need for qualifying for a cleared job. She will share the education, experience and certifications required for a cleared job. She will share the process and the time it takes to receive a security clearance. How to renew a security clearance and things that will disqualify you from receiving a security clearance.
Attributes required for breaking into a cleared job.
Mindset, soft skills, and other requirements
How important is networking and social media in a cleared job search?
Tips for a career changer
We will discuss, what has worked for other job seekers, and what has not.
We will discuss, what works for others and how you can plan a successful career that requires a security clearance.
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